Started looking into a company and under financial statements for let's say revenue, its labeled9M 2020 and 9M 2021. I get that 9M means 9 months in 2020, but how can i seperate that into years now? I found on a site this explanation :" 9M2020 means the nine-month financial period from 1 October 2019 to 30 June 2020. " So like 9M 2021 starts from July 1th 2021? Why use 9 months periods when that doesn't even rounds up to a year but a year and 6 months? All of my tables for valuation are spread apart into years and/or quartals so I am now supposed to re-arrange the whole thing or is there an easier way ?
edit: just found that under periods its labeled for one column 1.jan - sep.30 2020 and for other Jul. 1- Sep. 30, 2020 . Now am even more confused couse the last quartal is missing from every statement. For 2021. is the same time periods, from 1. jan to sep 30. and 1. jul to sep 30.
Thanks for any advice in advance !
Submitted September 11, 2022 at 01:41AM by Plaxer18