39/m, medically disabled, landed dream job
Long story short I have a chronic illness that plagued my younger years. By the age of 29 I had spent almost 2 years combined in hospitals, multiple surgeries to remove intestines, portacaths etc..I was put on disability at 32, amd was in bad shape. I have been doing REALLY WELL, and have had no hospital visits or major flairups in YEARS. I never wanted to be on SSDI for life as it's basically 1200$/month which barely pays my rent. So I decided to look for a job after being virtually paycheck to paycheck for over a decade, lived with parents etc...
My SO is in the videogame industry, amd she told me about a job post for an entry level position. It was a long shot, but I got the job. I asked for low 20s/hr and they sent me a contract with close to 30$/hr. Also SSDI has a program that allows you to test going back to work for 9 months, and no matter how much you make it doesn't effect your check, but after 9 months you're kicked off. I've never really had a big boy budget and feel like my life is just NOW starting. I'm in a relationship and we're DINKS, and trying to get a home. It just sucks because I feel like now that I'll have the means for a home, they're 2x what they were just a few years ago. I have little debt as I had to drop out of college due to hospital stays, maybe 2k in credit card debt. So the plan is to just pay that off ASAP, and then try to save as much as possible. Combined we make about 150k a year, and she already has 35k saved for a home. I don't think we will be able to do 20% as the homes were looking at are currently in the 400k range. Holy shit my parents two story 3500sqft home in Dallas fort worth was 129k...ugh...
Unfortunately I'm driving a 15 year old car that's on its last legs. The starter just went out, it's probably gonna be 1,000$ fix, but I like not having a car payment. Though I think it's the last time I'm going to put a large sum into a repair.
What should my plan be? I would like to be able to look at a used car in the next 12 months, aslong as I can get my crv to last that long. I would also like to be able to help out with the house as she's the one with most of the savings right now. Because of low debt and bills I will be able to save a decent chunk of cash, just not sure what the best plan is.
Any advice would be great.
Submitted July 28, 2022 at 12:34AM by ryencool https://ift.tt/WNTF2Mg