Hi everyone!
I'm 19 y.o. and I have no experience in investing or trading. I'm an absolute beginner in this field and don't plan to do it professionally, especially if my first try won't work out.
It's just that at the moment I have managed to accumulate $2000 and I wouldn't want to spend it on something useless, but on the contrary to increase it. And since every article I read about income increasing suggested starting buying stocks as soon as possible, I decided to give it a try.
The difficulty is that I'm not interested in long-term investments; I just want to buy stocks of several companies, hold them for about a half of year or a maximum a year, and sell them when their price increases. I tried to figure it out myself but got confused about the terminology and descriptions of different trading platforms. And the further I delve into it, the more complicated it becomes. All these ETFs, index funds, swing trades notions make me feel dumb and uneducated.
I realize that If I want to bring my plan into reality, and given that I don't have any experience or knowledge, contacting a professional would be the smartest way. But since my sum is pretty ridiculous for pros, I don't want to embarrass myself by asking for professional advising.
So I'd be thankful if you could give me any advice related to the best online broker that can help me buy stocks of small companies listed on NASDAQ like gopro.com or https://investor.draganfly.com/. I'm looking for something easy to use that will allow me to purchase the stocks I want and monitor their rates, and that won't require a degree in math to do it. Any shared advice will be highly appreciated. Thank you for spending your time reading this.
Submitted October 11, 2021 at 11:44AM by feeblysplurge532 https://ift.tt/2YBRrnc