With the insane increase in cost of living and food in general my friends family and mine decided to see what we can do to save some money. He has a family of five and we have a family of four.
What we decided to do was split a cow and man what a price difference. Obviously this only works for families who like beef and have the space to store it but let me tell you about the financial aspect of it.
Currently in Alberta you will be lucky to get decent ground beef on sale for less than $5 a lb. So after sourcing local butchers we found several high reputation places and settled on one. We ended up purchasing the whole cow, grass fed, organic, humanely grown for $4.50 a lb. This comes butchered to your liking and vacuum sealed for long term storage. This type of ground beef for example in a store can't be found for less than $8 a lb if you're lucky. This also includes the filet, sirloins, etc. So for less than the price of store bought ground beef we have 250+lbs of amazing meat that will last a year.
I also didn't have a clue about how this worked so you don't need to be afraid of that. A good butcher will walk you through the it's and hold your hand every step of the way. They will even show you the cuts on an anatomy sheet, ask you steak thickness, roasts and so on.
If you were on the fence and you have the means, try it out!
October 16, 2021 at 09:54AM