Neonode a 54m$ Mcap owns 50% of a court case against APPLE and SAMSUNG with infringment on roughly 4 000 000 000 products. 1 dollar/unit would give #NEON 173$ per share - closed yesterday @ 5,17
How is this possible and what are the odds?
Neonode owns the patent to the swipe technology and launched the first touchscreen phone in 2002.
The phone had small success at the time and the company changed focus.
In the great patent war between #AAPL and #SMSN 2016 Samsung overturned a huge verdict based on patent invalidity.
From the ruling: Samsung presented two prior art references, the NeoNode N1 Quickstart Guide (“Neonode”) from 2004 and a video and paper by Plaisant that were presented at a computer-human-interactivity conference in 1992. “We reverse the judgment of infringement and no invalidity because the asserted claim of the ’721 patent would have been obvious in light of Neonode and Plaisant.
New management in Neonode contacted IP specialists Aequitas in 2019 to se if they had a case against Apple and Samsung. In 2020 they filed suit for IP Infringment on patent 993 and 879
Samsung and Apple joined suit and challanged the patent in sept 2020 in IPR - this process will either nullify the patent or give the Neonode side a huge win.
They used the same tacticts as samsung aginst apple - Prior art in other patents.
The IPR Board agreed on one patent 993 - the Patent is up for discussion. 879 stands! To be made unvalid on grounds of earlier patents A/S argues: Combination of Hisatomi / Ren or Hansen / Gillespie
Hisatomi 2002-02-20 Ren 2000/09 Hansen 1998-10-13 GIllespi 2002-04-17
Neonode have invention date 2002-12-19.It turns out have Neon had an ace up their sleeve.
Yesterday Neonode filed for discovery in Sweden and questioning of the inventor Magnus Goertz.
They searched for the originals of 3 documents already in their posseion all proving the invention took place around May 2001. This kills Apple/Samsungs prior art argument and makes the Patent stand on merit.
And for the trial and Jury in texas they want another document: The signed licensdeal with samsung from 2005 that samsung never paid.All documentation from discussion about licensing with APPLE from 2005-2010 These documents will prove the value of the technology in 2005 - probably higher then 1 $ per unit?
They will also prove without doubt that Apple and Samsung knew about the infringment
IF IPR stands their will be a Jury trial in Texas for Judge Allan albright or settlement
How do you think a Jury would react to the licensing deal?
Or samsungs defence against apple that the patent is owned på Neonode and NOT paying them a cent?
The optics of this case is spectacular and the risk reward extreme.Neonode is a company now producing touchless touch for elevators and kiosks. It is just ramping up after corona and probably will turn from loss to profit in 2022. The client list include NEC and Schindler.
The court case described above is a FREE OPTION at the current value... (Source:
Submitted September 06, 2021 at 03:52AM by Spinkis