TL; DR. I had gastric bypass in. 2016, lost weight and cured my diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. Need to increase protein and need vitamins.
I need help. Lost a very good job and took a job making much less money. Been there over one year and I have health insurance. I’ve seen a dietitian but still struggle. My blood work is awful, liver enzymes are high, Vitamin D is low. The liver issues has been there since surgery. My weight is fine but fluctuates +/-10 pound every month. I’m restricted on what I can eat and struggle to get protein. Most fruits, raw veggies, dairy, beans, whole nuts are on the wall of “No”. I exist on premier protein shakes and Quest bars, eggs, and a few other things. I can eat chicken and seafood, but never fried. I’m a bit food insecure right now, even though I’m employed. Food banks only have food that I can’t eat.
I’m only able to afford vitamin B12 and vitamin D right now. (Thanks to a good friend, I have three months worth) Almost all vitamins make me sick, even taken with food. I have tried nearly every brand of vitamins on the market. I need calcium and a multi-vitamin. What was recommended to me by dietician is very expensive and I just can‘t afford the purchase. I get bouts of low blood sugar and get dizzy sometimes. I get leg cramps at times as I’m on my feet like 11 hours a day. I wear compression socks. I put an electrolyte supplement in my water when I can afford the purchase. I have good shoes to wear, my saving grace.
I need to take Imodium at times, especially eating cooked or steamed veggies. Raw is out of the question. The only fruits I can tolerate are apples and bananas. Steamed chicken (cheap) and fish on sale. Canned fish, chicken, and tuna are a huge no. It’s the texture, I think. I can finally tolerate eggs. I get very full very fast, and get weird reactions like sneezing and a runny nose when I m full. Weird, I know. My pre-surgery appetite never returned. Like I can go all day without eating, but I do drink water. I struggle to intake more than 1000 calories a day.
I have a Vitamix, (bought 2016) and I use it to make protein shakes when I can get good quality powder. I need a recommendation of a good quality high protein powder.
The dietician has a plan, but I struggle to afford the components. I’ve cut back on everything. I live alone in a tiny place, can’t move. Where I live is the cheapest place possible with the exception of me sleeping in. my car.
I d/c cable, and just have internet and Locast which is $5/month. I’m on budget billing for heat and lights. I shop at thrift stores for all my clothing. I’m not healthy now to sell my plasma, although I have done so the summer of 2019 when I was unemployed. It basically kept me from being homeless as I had to appeal UI, and only received three weeks worth until I was hired at my current job. I like my job now, going to stay there as long as possible. I have a flex spending account, but vitamins aren’t approved. I have money in a rollover IRA and a 401k from work. I am 64 years old.
I am sorry this sounds more like a rant that a request.
May 21, 2021 at 10:14PM