The AutoMod decided this was a bad post for /r/personalfinance so I am here now.
Hello /r/investing I was wondering what I should do in regards to my Roth IRA, basically I am focused growth, with plans to retire at age 55-62 depending on how everything goes (IE I hit whatever number I feel is appropriate I am done). Currently I have about 9K in my Roth IRA, and 11K in my 401k, with plans to move much of that 401k money into my Roth so it can be maxed out.
My main questions are what exactly should I read to have more confidence in what I am doing, what should I be investing in, and should I use their roboinvestor (Even with the fees).
My understanding of my options are:
- Switch to the Robo advisor, with its 0.35% fee, which seems beatable to me, but I and all of my family use Chase, so it would be convenient, and I do already kinda like YouInvest. I think vanguard is like 10% of this rate fwiw, so it seems suboptimal, although I am taking on a lot of risk managing things myself.
- Buy mutual funds via my Chase account, my understanding is that I will not be charged a fee whatsoever for these trades [Source:] and this would only charge me whatever fee the mutual fund charges.
- I would presumably go with something like TTIIX, as that is what my job put my 401k into, although they also underperformed the SP500 by quite a bit. Their fee is 0.100% [Source:]
- I could also just buy VTSAX, that seems like a semi-reasonable plan.
- Continue my manual buying of stocks and mutual funds I like, regardless of how risky it seems.
- This seems dangerous to me, my current intuition on stocks has me about at the following ratios.
- 40% SPYG
- 25% VTSAX and the Schwab equivalent (I was YouTube researching on separate days and both ended up suggested.
- 15% ARKK
- 15% Ford (Hey, I made 85%)
- 5% AAPL
- This seems dangerous to me, my current intuition on stocks has me about at the following ratios.
Basically my concerns are the level of risk I am taking, and the amount that I will pay for expert advice on my little bit of money.
Submitted May 04, 2021 at 08:11PM by iLoveCuil