Our situation is this. My mother is getting a new car, I sold my old car, and now I am getting my mother's old car. It is a 2011 Jetta that will be going in my name and there is 2016 Honda Odyssey she is getting. Both cars are/will be paid off.
My question would what would be the cheapest way of going about getting insurance.
I am a college student home for the summer but will be moving into an apartment in August. My mother suggested transferring the title of her car to me and I get insurance at the new apartment, then I don't have to be on hers. I would be purchasing decent (not the basic) liability coverage.
My mom wants to see if this is cheaper because as a dumb teenager I got myself into 2 accidents. One hospital trip later I have sure learned my lesson! Obviously me being on the insurance would not help my mother, especially on such a nice valued car.
OR would it be cheaper to have me on her insurance still? She has almost 20 years driving experience without a single at fault accident. Might help in the long run.
Thank you!
May 17, 2021 at 08:08PM