Need to get my first car in the USA as I have always had a company car which is going away in a month.
I will only be in the USA realistically for another 2 years before family obligations bring me back to Europe (aging parents going to be 80)
I am not a car guy, my new role will be 90% work from home so the vehicle will be used for food shopping/errands, occasional trips to the beach/fishing and potentially a few out of state trips a year.
Needs to be an SUV/crossover or if there is a great 4 cylinder truck that works too
1) dont care on make /model unless it is super reliable
2) as im only having it for up to 24months would it make sense to take over a lease from a site like as buying older (which I have no problem doing) im concerned that I may have to replace a bunch of things in that first two years and not really benefit from them down the line and buying preowned/financing I know come sell time I will be under on the vehicle.
If I didnt have an end time I would buy cash and be done with it but im considering the lease option because of the short time left
opinions please :) and thank you
April 15, 2021 at 07:49AM