TL;DR - I got a collection on something I had no knowledge of. The collection agency says it was in error and they were closing the collection over the phone. I have this phone call recorded (I told them I was recording), but no written statement. Should I still send a dispute?
Hi, all.
I'm not sure what to do. I got a debt collection noticed from Transworld Systems Inc regarding an $870.24 balance due to Fedex. I don't personally use Fedex or have a Fedex account, so I was completely baffled and also upset at the amount it claimed I owed. I sent a package via Fedex maybe a year ago for a $25 shipment fee, but that was it. I thought maybe my work's account somehow got associated with me because I do ship packages with Fedex labels every now and then, but those labels have my company's account code on them, which I am not associated with in any way.
So today I was going to send a dispute letter, but I wasn't sure which address to use since they had both a PO box and a physical address on the letter. I called them and tried to ask for the address I could send a dispute to. The lady was pretty adamant about not giving me the address and asking me for the file number.
I told her the file number and she wanted my name, which I didn't want to give. She then mentioned something about there being a problem on this collection and we could get this resolved if I verified my name. I decided I would give it to her, but I first told her I was going to record the call now since it has progressed further than I intended it to.
Basically what she told me is that Fedex had an error that stuck me with a bill that wasn't mine sometime in December or January. They had cleaned up most of them but this one got through. She said she was closing out the collection on her end and that I don't need to worry about it. I asked if I could get something mailed to me stating this in writing, but she said no. She said I could write her name down, which she gave, the date, and that she told me this collection was closed. I also have the recording of this conversation.
Should I still send a dispute despite this or am I fine?
Submitted February 06, 2021 at 01:39AM by wutitdopikachu