Sorry for the tacky title, I’m just trying to catch your attention.
I’m 26 y.o. and I’m from the Philippines and I’m looking to transfer a large portion of my domestic ETF to US ETF
This is my current portfolio 75% Domestic ETF 15% 3-US Individual stocks
I’ve been investing almost 6 years in our domestic ETF and it seems it doesn’t perform really well compared to my US portfolio. Plus, it’s hard to liquidate because of lack of trading volume, it doesn’t give consistent dividends and we don’t have DRIP feature from our brokers.
I decided to transfer 55% of my domestic ETF to the US market.
I’m here to ask advice for what ETF has a low price per share but a similar tracking index like SPY or VOO?
The reason why I ask for a low price per share, so I can easily buy shares every 2-3 months since SPY and VOO are quite expensive in our currency to buy, I’ll probably end up buying one share every 4-5 months.
As of now, I found $NTSX attractive to me but if you have other suggestions, please let me know.
Submitted November 22, 2020 at 09:56PM by Laakhesis