Proud of myself so just had to share with a group who might appreciate this.
Our refrigerator started making weird loud noises and after checking it out, the sounds were coming from the back of the freezer. After checking it out, I narrowed down the issue to a fan motor that was giving out.
A new fan motor for this refrigerator costs $280! That doesn't include the labor to install it.
I searched high and low for a replacement motor, but this a 20 year old fridge and there just weren't any replacements at a reasonable price.
So, on a gamble, I went ahead and ordered a different motor that looked similar and only costs $20! That's right ..only $20 compared to $280.
So, I just got it today and installed it. I had to rewire it. Cut the connector off of the old motor and matched up the wires from the new motor. Otherwise, it was almost identical in form factor. Fit well in the harness, fan blades fit, everything.
Plugged it all in and it works. So, basically $20 and an hour worth of work, mixed with a tiny bit of electrical know-how. Sure beats $280 and a potential service call!
Anyway, thanks for letting me brag for a minute!
November 30, 2020 at 10:11PM