So my friends dad (fake name for security reasons: Kevin) is jobless currently.
He has a friend that runs a chemical company (we will call him Johnny) Johnny is supposedly a multimillionaire and they have known each other for a long time. ( side note I googled Johnnys house and it’s worth (200k- doesn’t seem like a millionaire to me)
Johnny is telling Kevin that he has 6 million dollars for him- and Kevin’s job is to recruit business to buy Johnnys stock of medical gloves, Kevin has agreed. Kevin has signed a forum saying he will pay the taxes on the 6 million dollars. I have never heard of someone paying taxes on money before they have received it. secondly, now Kevin is being asked by Johnny to create a business (in my head this sounds like concealing the origins of money aka laundering) because he was already promised 6 dollars before generating this money at all.
TLDR: rich guy asks down on his luck guy to provide value equaling 6 million dollars, down on his luck guy has not been to college, has zero business no how, and thinks he just got really lucky for knowing the right guy
Submitted September 05, 2020 at 09:08PM by ladybuggurl