Hi all, I've got a big empty space in my main living area that I'd like to fill with a three column bookshelf, something like [this](https://floydhome.com/products/the-floyd-shelving-system?utm_campaign=2nd+Touch+-+Shelf+-+LP+Views+-+B&utm_source=fb&utm_medium=cpc&ad_name=Made+for+Keeping+-+Shelf&fbclid=IwAR0YdO5MSzn7pyuhkf_3_NXIBCZk8luEiAM5vrFHG1ceTF0OnMCuvkDxb_Y&color=White+%2F+Ash&shelvingSystems=tall&Shelf+Add-ons=Double+Tall+Add-on)
but not looking to spend ~ $2000. Haven't been able to find any real viable alternatives under the $1000 price range other than a few Ikea pieces (which are fine but I've had mixed experiences with Ikea so I'd rather avoid). Does anyone have any alternative suggestions? Thanks in advance!
August 02, 2020 at 08:04PM