I am unable to easily find resources on smart trades to help preserve wealth. Are there good resources to find historical accounts of people making smart moves to avoid taxes or increase wealth by making trades that are "complex" or unintuitive?
Some examples of "smart" trades I am referring to:
- Mark Cuban maintained the value of his unvested Yahoo stock through the entire dot com crash with his custom collar.
- Musk (and other CEOs) pledge their stock as collateral for personal loans in order to have cash on-hand.
- Short selling against the box.
- Maximize tax-deferred retirement accounts.
- Invest in Qualified Opportunity Zones.
Given the scenarios of either having unvested shares or having vested shares that you don't want to sell because you're confident about a future rise in price (and you don't want to pay taxes now), how does one learn different strategies to optimize for capturing the most value?
Submitted August 15, 2020 at 08:00PM by pfbrowser https://ift.tt/31VqEjt