I am working on designing/building a queen size bed frame that will lift from one side opening a storage area inside the frame. The mattress will be lifted on a set of hinges and struts like in the last pictures. This is a bigger project than I have taken on before I wanted to get some opinions on if it seems like this should work. Here is the design I did Sketchup that I will be working from.The frame itself is 3/4" plywood with reinforced with a frame of 2x4's and 4x4 legs.The frame the mattress will sit on is 1 1/2" angle iron, with 3/4" plywood for the bottom panel.The hinges will likely be these, unless I find something that would work better prior to beginning the project.Will the angle iron frame be sufficient to support everything? While up it would need to support roughly 100-150lbs just on this hinges that are rated for up to 210lbs. When down the frame will rest on the 2x4 frame and 4x4 legs, it would need to support roughly up to 600lbs between the mattress, bedding, and 2 people sleeping on it.I will need to notch the 2x4 frame where the bottom angle iron support will come below the frame of the bed but I didn't put that into the sketch up model. Are there any noticeable significant issues I have missed or overlooked with this? My main concern is the frame the mattress will sit on, but I have not been able to find much info on what kind of weight can be expected from something like 1.5" angle. via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/30QZUAp