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hi all, i live in an apartment i shouldn't be living much longer. we've had a few floods and landlord doesn't care. smells like musty (could be mold lurking?) in hallway. planning on where to move next...but in the meantime, i have a few questions about what to do about the immediate future.

we had an ac in our apartment, 3 years old, about 400 bucks. i noticed it had mold in it so we took it apart and cleaned it with bleach mixture - for hours! then as we took the back vent off, hisssss - freon starting pouring out -- we broke it. i later learned our warantee would have covered mold cleaning - but not this because we 'tampered with it' by cleaning it ourselves. learn from my mistake.

but the ac never made our apartment really cool anyway even though it was 12,000 btu. we have a few great fans running now, but now that the ac is gone, the air really feels wet - we live on the cellar level. i think the ac acted somewhat as a dehumidifier.

i am wondering - if we don't buy a new AC but buy a big dehumidifier, and have really cool fans, could that be enough? i'm wodnering if the dehumidifer would make the room more comfortable - to the degree that an ac won't be necessary? i am leaning away from buying an bc because:

1- i feel like i am much less attuned with the seasons and nature now - like i'm so used to semi-cool air that when i go outside for a walk in the summer i can't deal with it as well if i could if i allowed my body the chance to acclimate more to the heat while indoors.

2-since i wouldn't want to take large objects with me when i move, just clothes etc, i am hesittant to spend another 400 bucks plus on an AC.

also - amazon has a crapton of fake reviews for humidifiers. i just bought a mini one before realizing the reviews were fake (so many people posted pictures, that's a tipoff), and then i realized a mini one wont be powerful enough. i need a big one, but if you have any recommendations i'd love to hear them.

i know this is all over the place and i probably seem ignorant - that's because i am when it comes to dehumidifiers and such. any advice appreciated.

July 17, 2020 at 10:02PM

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