I currently have 15k in various stocks that I have researched and see high potential in. I have 4K cash that I keep aside just in case I need it. After that I have another 2k I would like to invest or do something else beneficial with. I would like to do something with it besides stocks to diversify. Don’t put all eggs in one basket or something like that. Any suggestions from you smart people out there? I have a high interest In real estate as well but I don’t think I have the cash or stable income for that right now. If you read this far thank you for your time even if you don’t have advice for me!
Edit: I forgot to mention I have about 40k in a mutual fund my grandad set up for me when I was born. I don’t have plans to touch that at all but if you know something better I should do with it I’m all ears!
Submitted April 08, 2020 at 11:04PM by crazy_brazy22 https://ift.tt/2y2gQZE