Hello All,
I'm a 23[M] who works at a high school in California, but I'm an hourly employee. Due to COVID-19 outbreaks in the state, we have closed school indefinitely and the Governor, Gavin Newsom, announced yesterday that he doesn't expect schools to reopen this academic year.
With that said, assuming my employer doesn't intend to pay hourly workers (we are being paid for this week the average of our last 3 checks) and unless we are a part of their online learning program, what are my options? Will I be able to file for unemployment once the schools are closed officially for the school year? Aside for seeking an online job during this period of isolation (I'm at-risk, so I may be isolated longer), is there anymore I can do?
Submitted March 18, 2020 at 10:58PM by boringpeoplebotherme https://ift.tt/2U3sHzn