I've made an attempt to streamline these updates to keep things more relevant to where they are being posted. To see the previous month https://www.reddit.com/r/leanfire/comments/eik3l5/life_after_fire_december_update/
to see this month's real estate specific post https://www.reddit.com/r/RentalInvesting/comments/exefp1/january_rental_business_numbers/
I officially retired somewhere between 2011 and 2013. The time is not specific because I fazed out my previous business and was still handling my real estate management myself...so if you count from the time I hired a full time property manager and was completely finished will all previous businesses it would be later date. If your definition is more lenient, then it would be the earlier date.
Okay, now for the numbers.
My net real estate income from existing rentals for the month was $9,243 . (The low number this month is because I had to repair 4 AC units that were damaged in a lightening strike... in addition to the usual minor repairs and property management expenses) If you are interested in the full details of the business numbers, please see the real estate specific update from the link above..
Estimated real estate portfolio value $1.35M This is an increase of $30K over last month.
Total Acquisition Costs of real estate (including initial renovations) $418,000
My total investments/cash outside of real estate totaled $266,096 This is a combination of stock, Fundrise, money market, and cash. This is an increase of $1,549 over last month.
My personal spending was $800 (everything not business related)...details can be seen at my post on r/Frugal
As always, feel free to ask any questions!
For those interested in my yearly numbers of income and spending, I made about $125K net in 2019 from the rentals (haven't finished taxes, so this is an estimate), my investments outside of the rental business made about $50K (all of that was reinvested) and my personal spending was about $10K.
Submitted February 01, 2020 at 06:38PM by AccidentalFIRE https://ift.tt/2tgPi0G