My experience:
I always was kind of a workaholic. (until I burned out)
Not only with my job, but life in general. If I set myself a goal, even a spiritual one, I always start to overdo it, want it to be perfect and get easily overwhelmed by the difference of where I am right now and how it should be once I "finished" my goals.
Long story short: My life led me to several realization that I want to share with you and might help others. One thing beforehand: We all tend to overestimate the knowledge we accumulated thus far. But I discovered that once you know something within the depths of you hearth, you feel it with strong emotions, something clicks and its impossible for you and your life to stay the same.I just ask you to feel, rather than think, if you think you know something. Look if it resonates resonates with you.
In order to share my discoveries I started to make videos that include messages, teachings, teachers and books I encountered through my life, You can find my fist one over here:
> I wanted to be rich, have a lot of money, build a business.
If you tell anyone that you don't want to have material wealth and rather the bare minimum they naturally assume that it is just a bad excuse, that you are lazy and in general chose to live a more miserable life than if you followed a passion and tried to make it big.
> As someone that somewhat tasted both sides of the coin I began to ask myself what it really was that I hoped to gain by joining this race for money. And the answer amounted to Freedom and being able to live a fulfilled life. The trap many of us get themselves into, is that they measure both of these factors by what they assume is possible by what the media tells them or what they experience in their immediate surroundings.
But freedom and a fulfilled life isn't a matter of
I have to become this or that ,
have to have this or that,
do this or that,....
It's a choice.
Not an endless pathway with obstacles left and right.
You see, your ego is greedy. Be honest and look back. You already surrounded yourself with things you once wanted to have, be it small or big. And you may discovered that they no longer satisfy you to the same degree they had initially. You may tell yourself its normal. Set yourself another treasure into the future that contains: be that, have that, do that, feel that.
But its just a way to keep yourself from discovering the truth.
Since my goals were so big that I couldn't even achieve them in 100 lifetimes walking down a path of outside fulfillment was bound to fail. Your wants, haves, and be(es) may come overtime instead of all at once like it happend to me, but If you keep looking for something outside of you to satisfy you, you can play that game for the rest of eternity and never find a satisfying solution.
I turned inwards and abandoned my old concept of future and past.
I focused on the now. Once I did this the past vanished and my future became this kind of black mass, whenever i thought of something in a few months, years or days. Every time I thought of a future event, I imagined myself sending energy in this black mass, that swallowed my thoughts of a self fulfilling future and replaced it with what it really was.
Uncertainty of tomorrow and the awareness of endless possibilities.
We all know, that tomorrow is not set in stone. On the contrary, it is a fantasy as unreal as the movies and series we love to watch, BUT we decide on past habits how its going to play out and act accordingly.
We act within our character limits instead out of character.
So, I decided to eliminate my character and replaced it with the endless now. Once I don't longer had a future to think of and build, an imaginary road that I needed to walk along, I only had left what the now allowed me.
And there, aware in the present I discovered the greatest gift.
Since I was unable to think about what would make me free in the future I started to ask myself what I needed to do to feel free in the moment
And law and behold a feeling of freedom emerged.
Multiple times stronger than anything I experienced so far. Even stronger than an orgasm (I kid you not) but on the same time lighthearted and peaceful. Like standing in a strong, warm sommer breeze. The warm wind within carried the feeling through my entire body. There was no objective reason that triggered peace in me. It just was there. No conditions attached. Like the unconditional love we seek to experience from outside (our parents, friends, spouse, family,...). But it came from within me, washed over me and lifted my inner self up.I was at peace, I felt free like never before and I was fulfilled like life had given me anything I ever needed.
You may know the phrase: "All roads lead to rome, as long as you keep walking"I on the other hand decided to stay where I was. I no longer needed what once was so important to me. My road crumbled and disappeared entirely.
On the surface my life hadn't changed.
The strange thing is, once I felt free and fulfilled in the inside, thoughts I never had before began to rise to the surface of my conscious mind, that corresponded to the way I was feeling. Thoughts that would lead to actions, that bought me time where I had none before. Thoughts that helped me get rid of everything that hindered my freedom, thoughts that conquered my fear and enabled to do things I previously couldn't and much more.
I feel so good now, every waking second of my life. My life isn't perfect, but my feelings make it a million times better. I never knew that you could feel that good just by "being there"
It really is like someone stopped the time in the middle of an orgasm and that feeling stays in your body for hours, days, weeks.-------------
Another part is, that I discovered how to create, train and increase my feelings.
If I want to feel happy I can actively concentrate on it and increase its strength beyond what I thought was possible.
Imagine me sitting there, starting to giggle and laugh, roll around, being happy until the tears start welling up, because gratitude is overwhelming me.
Here are a tiny fractions of the benefits of my realization:
- I never have to look for anything outside of myself ever again to have and be everything. It is this (d)ucking powerful. It's really strange. Jim Carey once held a short speech where he described the feeling of being everything (the super bowl in his case) and it is that and so much more. Barriers break away, needs and wants as well, you not only feel like an invisible umbilical cord is connecting you to everyone around you, but they are you and you are them, you are the environment, the morning sun and the sun is you.
You really feel what a lot of people have said in the past. We are one.
- I don't feel lonely, I don't need to have a relationship, I don't need anything or anyone in my life and still can feel everything with the intensity that would put any drug to shame.
- I feel (enter any positive emotion) at every time or can create it within minutes.
It is so hard to describe the awesomeness.
Going to a holiday resort doesn't even compare. Being promoted, having a expensive car or anything the outside world may offer pales in comparison. It becomes dull, sure you can still enjoy it, but it feels like you look at toys for a toddler. Sure it's great in a way but it feels you have grown out of it. Without judging it as good or bad, you just don't need in your life, for your life to be freaking amazing.
You don't become better than anyone else.....just different in a weird way.
I think this sentence (that just popped in my head) sums it up in a way:
I feel and I am everything, yet I need no-thing and therefore don't walk on a road to acquire some-thing.
It is something that is worth more to me, than billions of dollars and I bet if you could feel the same, the same would apply to you as well.
I hope all of you discover the same power within you, that shatters everything you once felt was important and resets you to basic truths, that can totally change your life.
I considered writing a book on that topic because I strongly, feel that everyone should be able to feel that amazing. For now I just create videos that help me to maintain a good base every day and forces me to always look out for knew teachings, that can increase the feelings of bliss and joy even more.
You can look at some of them, if you want:
Feel free to reach out to me: I may not answer immediately, but you can try to engage me through my social media channels or email.
I normally never, I repeat never write anything anywhere. I am the type of guy that always thinks it isn't worth it to bring my opinion to the table, but somehow I just can't shut up when it comes to this.
If you read until here, I wanted to give you a huge thanks and a digital hug for giving me some of your extremely precious lifetime. I appreciate it from the depths of my heart.
What was your mindset change that changed everything for you?
Have a good and fulfilling life
Submitted February 10, 2020 at 08:47PM by Redpill_Crypto