I have a couple of questions I was hoping you guys could help me out with.
- I currently have a credit card with about $2k on it. I have enough money in a savings account to pay it off completely without crippling my account. Do I go ahead and pay it off now in one installment or do I pay it off in monthly installments?
- I use the card for all of my daily purchases, but it was wracked up due to having to buy things to re-establish my life after getting out of the military. I'm trying to save additional money to have a decent down payment on a house and stop renting the house I'm in. So I was weighing the pros and cons of paying it off all at once or over time while still being able to put money into savings.
- I have a TSP account, the governments version of an IRA, with roughly $6k in it. Due to me not being in the military anymore and not being a government employee, I can no longer make contributions to the account. Do I leave it be or do I roll it into a regular IRA account? Or is there more options than this?
Submitted January 08, 2020 at 08:03PM by Reef1121 https://ift.tt/35ANAV9