For the longest time i always felt i needed to be on par with my peers whether it was spending money at a fancy restaurant, wearing the latest clothing brand, or whatever. After a while i was exhausted and i couldn't figure out why. I finally realized i was trying too hard to fit in and live a life that was beyond my means.
It was a never ending vicious cycle of trying to keep up. I finally said fuck it im gonna live how i want. If im not eating at the trendiest restaurant that doesn't mean im less than them. I realized to that they were faking it. They had spent every last penny of their paycheck to eat at fancy restaurants for the past month.
I guess my point is that a lot of us get sucked into thinking we need to keep up with society when we really need to keep up with ourselves. Just because someone spends $300 on a meal does not make them better than you. In fact they're probably faking it. Someone always has more anyways so theres no point in trying win.
Submitted December 14, 2019 at 07:56PM by bayfarm