There's nothing like a genuine 'might need to evacuate' situation to demonstrate your priorities. I'm sure my lack of pre-stocked bug-out bag and my last-minute choices would have preppers shaking their heads and laughing. A while back I tried to figure out what I would rescue in case of flood, and had a stack of a dozen books, musical instruments, sentimental items and a bunch of other stuff identified. Well, yesterday I had to have my bag ready to evacuate due to a nearby fire and all I grabbed was two of my favorite books (books of letters by Roman authors), my current external hard drive and backup drive, and my pet's medication. That's it. I momentarily looked at some other books and thought, 'don't be silly'. And really didn't care about anything else. Not a thing.
Fortunately the danger passed, all is well. And an interesting lesson learned.
Submitted November 01, 2019 at 11:36PM by Aelfdane