Now, as a disclaimer, I don’t know if this will work for jewelry that is not pure silver or pure gold or gold plated. i.e. it’s not going to work on the kind of jewelry you can buy at fast fashion retailers such as Forever21 or H&M.
So I used to work at Kay Jewelers and we offer free jewelry cleaning to EVERYBODY. It was sometimes our way to lure people in to the store and/or try to get them to sign up to a credit card they definitely did not need. You can get any piece of jewelry that’s pure gold or pure silver cleaned and polished. If the employee tells you otherwise then it’s probably because you may have too many small stones or loose stones in your piece or they might say they can’t clean outside silver. (Silver pieces that haven’t been bought at Kays)
I also used to work at another jewelry store after that and we were able to clean ANY inside jewelry at ANY quantity. One time this lady came in with over 100 pieces and we were able to clean it all the same day. If you have jewelry from any jewelry store ask an employee if you can get them cleaned AND if you DO have outside jewelry ask if there’s any possibility to get them cleaned as well. Sometimes I would get bored and felt generous at these jobs so I would clean people’s outside jewelry because I knew it was the same kind of material and our cleaner wasn’t that special to our brand, and I would give a disclaimer if I felt iffy about doing it. Also if your jewelry is tangled you can probably get them untangled for free as well!
Submitted October 11, 2019 at 09:44PM by LeaneM