My husband and I are waiting on a check that is supposed to be arriving tomorrow. The check is for 30k and I'm turning into a nervous wreck about the entire thing. The check is being sent to use through M & T Securities who really dropped the ball. They promised us on Wednesday that we would have the money in out checking account by Monday. We called today to touch base with them and for whatever reason the ACH deposit couldn't go through and because of this they were sending a check to us overnight especially because we needed the money by Tuesday. The securities company knew this when they promised us we could get our money in time. Why they wouldn't call us on Wednesday to let us know there was a problem IDK.
I guess my question is if this check magically gets intercepted and stolen how easy would it be for someone else to cash a check for this amount? If it does get fraudulently cashed or deposited what's the likelihood of us getting our money back?
Sorry I'm a bit wordy and over sharing but I'm really shaken by this whole fiasco. I feel like a back story was needed but looking back it may not be but I'm going to leave it up anyway. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I did manage to scrounge up the money I needed. God bless my parents.
Submitted July 12, 2019 at 11:12PM by BFAmbrose