Throwaway account and cross posting to r/personalfinance. I have read the "what to do with a windfall" materials.
I am a 27 year old, single male living in America. No debt. No significant assets. Working on another startup to re-establish income.
In late 2018, I sold my business for $1m. After taxes paid, I have a total net worth of about 1.1m. I currently have nearly all of the funds with Schwab sitting in a money market (SWVXX) paying about 2.5%. About 100k in US total market.
The question I keep going around and around on is, do I...
- Invest funds into the market now. 3/4 into total US stock market and 1/4 into international markets.
- Dollar cost average the funds over the next 12-18 months into the mix mentioned above
- Drop the funds into safer investments (bonds and money markets) and wait for this impending recession to hit and buy near or at the bottom of the market
I fear buying at the top of the market and listening to every news story about how a recessions is looming closer.
The more research I do, the more lost I become because of conflicting opinions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Submitted June 12, 2019 at 09:38PM by InterestingSoftware7