Greetings Reddit. For a bit of background, I am a soon-to-graduate senior in high school, and a friend of mine turns 18 in August and is going to be a senior this Fall. He goes to a trade school.
My basis for asking this question is that this friend is being kicked out of his home when he turns 18 and has found nobody else that would live with him, and I (currently living with my parents) planned to move out soon as well. He doesn't want to live on his own, and likely couldn't anyway while working wages and doing school. Though I didn't plan as early as August to move out due to obvious reasons, I'd feel guilt knowing that someone I know is homeless and there's a chance of me stopping it. I'm aware this is more of a moral dilemma than a monetary one, but because finance was involved I felt it would be appropriate to ask the above question.
Here are a few notable factors:
- We'd both probably be making $8-9/hour
- We both live in Ohio, meaning there'd be a lower cost of living(?)
- He'd be attending school still, while I'd be working full time
- We both are capable of driving and would both have cars
- He already has a job at Subway, and intends to go to college after he graduates high school (2020)
- I've never been employed anywhere, but plan to work there with him at the beginning of June, and already planned to take a gap year before attending college for unrelated reasons.
I'd appreciate any words of wisdom I can get for this scenario. I intend to do research about, well, being an adult because I know nothing about owning or renting a place. Should I just tell him to do his own thing for my own sake, and move out when I'm more comfortable, or would it be wise to take this chance at having a roommate while also helping someone out who truly needs it? I can answer any questions below, and, thank you for reading.
Submitted May 19, 2019 at 11:25PM by ten_hours