I'm currently planning to build my cats a bigger cage outdoor 4'(depth) x 6' (length) x 7' (height). The supports will mainly be slotted angle bars and I'm planning to use acrylic sheets as the base material for each level.Their two litter boxes will be on the most bottom level. The litter boxes are about 2+kg each, and they will contain about 15 to 20kg of litter each.The acrylic sheets will serve as the floor in their litter area (measuring 4' x 3') will need to be able to withstand about 50kg in total.*The remaining 4' x 3' in the base level will be for stray cats' use (i.e. food & water will be placed there) so that area probably won't be an issue.I should also mention that I plan to put those 4" swiveling wheels underneath the cage at each corner and maybe in the middle too.This is how I'm planning to assemble the base with the different lengths of slotted angle bars (in red).Do you foresee an issue with this plan? If the answer is no, is 5mm thick acrylic sheet sufficient or should I go for a thicker one at 10mm, considering the weights of the litter boxes?PS: I've never done this before so I apologise in advance if this whole thing looks really stupid and sounds confusing lol via /r/DIY http://bit.ly/2WD88IX