Hi, Reddit!
I'm 36, and I'm quitting my job in two months to go back to school for a year, after I recently received a full-ride scholarship to attend film school. The scholarship covers tuition, books, labs, etc, but not rent, food, and other living expenses. I have enough in my savings to cover the cost of frugal living for a year, without having to take out a loan, barring any emergencies or unforeseen expenses. I'd rather not take out a loan, as I already have three of them out right now from my graduate and undergraduate studies, and I will have to take out another one after school to shoot my movie.
However, I recently found a month long program in South Africa that will help you shoot your own nature documentaries that I would like to sign up for before I leave for school in October. I would love to do this because 1) I may never get a chance to ever quit my job and do something like this again 2) while it would of course be fun, I think this program would look good on my resume and in my reel, so it's practical as well 3) I've been told time and time again that you can always get more money, but what you can't get back is time.
The nature documentary program plus flight in total would be a little over $5000. But that's also roughly how much my groceries would cost for a whole year while attending school, again eating frugally. If I went to South Africa, I would probably have to take out a loan. I might be able to work while I'm school, but I'm told they don't want me to, plus I'm not sure I can as the film school is in another country.
I know this answer is dependent on what I want to do, and whats important to me, but, I need to make sure I'm not looking at this South Africa program with rose colored glasses and that I'm looking at this logically. I would like to know what other people would do if they were me.
I wouldn't regret going to South Africa, but I would regret taking out another loan.
I know this post is the definition of first world problems, but, please send your respectful advice. Thank you!
Submitted May 30, 2019 at 03:37PM by thenameamongstnames http://bit.ly/2EIbumQ