Hey, fellow frugal friends!
Background: I am married and have two kids, a 9 y/o and a 7 m/o. My s/o has been deployed for the last 7 months, so my work schedule has been per diem only... until now! My s/o will be home soon so I've arranged to go back to work f/t. My schedule runs very early (get up at 0500, leave house by 0600, work at 0630) but I get off fairly early in exchange, usually by 1500/1530. I've adopted the habit of going to the gym every evening during my time alone and really want to keep that going. Generally, I cook and my s/o cleans up after dinner.
In an effort to make the most of my time, my question is this: is the "payoff" for meal prepping really worth it? I already meal plan, so I will cook a large meal one night (that takes maybe an hour to prepare) that will last us at least two nights and a couple lunches, repeat a couple times a week. I have an acquaintance that spends half of every Sunday meal-prepping for every week, but I've been resistant to try it because I have argued that my weekend is worth more to me, as it's time with my family. I'm already very frugal with grocery cost, so I'm not worried about that. This is more of a time question, since most of us are so frugal with money/resources, it seemed like the best community to ask. Sorry if this post seems really wordy, but hopefully, you'll understand what I'm getting at. Genuinely looking to take advice, so I'd appreciate hearing about your personal experiences!
May 08, 2019 at 01:47PM