I'm not sure if this is the right subreddit to post, but I'm hoping someone might have some info to help. My employer paid for my grad school, but under the condition that if I quit I'd have to repay them. I quit and owe about $30k, however I'm not sure how any of this works tax-wise. A portion of what they paid was included in my W-2 as taxable income - do they need to send an amended W-2 after I pay them back? Also, on my 1098-T the assistance was recorded as a grant/scholarship, but now that I'm repaying the amount it would be better classified as a loan. Can I have my school make amended 1098-T forms? I would have been eligible for education tax credits those years had I paid myself (which becomes the case now that I'm paying my employer back). If the W-2 and 1098-T forms need to be adjusted how do I ensure that happens so I can file amended tax returns for 2017 and 2018? Location: Ohio Thanks in advance!
Submitted May 30, 2019 at 08:05AM by jelly_filled_tony http://bit.ly/2HLOqWy