Actually, this was part of a bigger project to empty a monthly storage unit and move stuff to a temporary shelter at my house.
First, I had to clear out and recycle some junk.
Then, I had to pick up some free pallets (gotta love Craigslist).
That was tough, as the trailer's built-in toolbox meant that I couldn't properly forward-balance the load, so my tongue weight was off and the bike got real squirrely above 30 mph or so. I just took small surface streets home...
Then I picked up some additional supporting lumber.
The 16 footers were tough to carry on an 8 foot trailer, so I left a couple pallets on the trailer to clear the toolbox and strapped the lumber as far forward as possible. Again, small surface streets to home...
Then I assembled the pallets into a base.
And sheeted them.
Note that the width worked fine for my 10' x 17' cover, as 3x 40" = 10 feet. But 2x 8' = 16', so I had to add a foot in-between, hence the middle cross-boards.
Then on goes the cover (gotta love Harbor Freight sales).
It's functional, but dämn ugly. :D
And the whole thing cost less than two-months storage rental.
Eventually, it'll get replaced with a proper-built wooden shed painted to match the garage, but first I have to dig up the driveway to redo the main sewer line, then replace the driveway double-wide to get a proper base in place.
But that's a project for another day...
May 02, 2019 at 01:36PM