My SO and I are very frugal as we are saving up for a small wedding and tackling student debt before we buy a house together. I love my friends and have always been up for anything in their lives. Recently, I don’t know if it’s the surge of everyone posting their lives on Instagram or what, but people have been wanting to do very expensive things. Your 30th birthday is no longer a nice dinner and possibly a bottle of champagne. It’s all of us chipping in and going to the Bahamas. It’s a Tuesday night, let’s go a restaurant that costs $30 a plate. My SO and I are frugal for the most part. On the weekdays, we cook and don’t eat out for lunch or dinner. On the weekends, we will splurge and eat out but at cheap eateries, saving nice restaurants for bdays and anniversary. Our weekend activities are usually free hikes or renting a movie. We spend money on gyms but it’s for our health and we do go a lot. We’ve made it clear to our friends that we are trying to save. However meals are still split on our double dates even though we did not partake in that bottle of wine. Or if we go on a weekend trip with people, it ends up being splitting the nice downtown hotel instead of the chain just outside the city. Also, I work in a high-salaried job and when I talk about how this may be expensive for me, my friends kind of throw my job in my face and insinuating I’m cheap. How do y’all deal with frustrating friends who always want to do expensive things?
May 27, 2019 at 12:20AM