So about a year and a half ago I switched banks. Set up all my auto pays again. Everything was fine except my one credit card. For reasons no one can figure out, the auto pay never worked. The money came out of my account and then..... nobody knows. The CC company (which I'd never had issues with before in like 10 years) says they never got it. It was 2 payments, 3 max.
I never received a letter or a call or an email about these missed payments. Just a letter out of the clear blue sky that my account was closed for delinquency. When I called like wtf, they said my account had been closed for non payment and there was nothing they can do.
That's the ONLY blemish on my credit and only dropped it to 737.
I am now apartment hunting. I've been denied now 7 times because it comes up as a "serious delinquency, bankruptcy or judgement".
Is there anything I can do? I mean it WAS a delinquency but I never knew and it was 3 payments out of 10 years with this card.
Submitted May 29, 2019 at 09:21AM by ICanHandleItOk