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Unfortunately, posts on this topic are not a rare occurrence here. Teenagers are often kicked out of their home without support, sufficient money, or time to prepare in advance, but there are some resources and options for teenagers in this situation.

This guide also includes some information for teenagers who are at risk of being kicked out.

First, please seek help

If you need help, there are confidential and nonjudgmental services with trained helpers that you can call or contact online. Sometimes these services get busy. If you can't reach someone right away, please try again until you reach someone.

In the case of a life-threatening emergency, please call the police or the emergency telephone number for your country (e.g., 911 in the United States).

In addition to the below resources, consider talking to an adult that you trust. There are many options such as:

  • A teacher, sports coach, or staff member at your school
  • A school guidance counselor, school nurse, or doctor
  • A relative that you trust
  • A friend's parent or guardian
  • A religious leader
  • A neighbor

United States

  • Contact the National Runaway Safeline. They provide a valuable resource for runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth. The service is free, confidential, and available 24/7.

    CALL 1-800-RUNAWAY

    CLICK 1800RUNAWAY.org

    TEXT 66008

  • You can also text "HOME" to 741741 in the US to communicate with a Crisis Text Line volunteer anytime, about any type of crisis. Every texter is connected with a Crisis Responder, a person trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem-solving.

  • Call 211. They will help connect you with resources.

United Kingdom


  • Contact the Kids Help Phone.

    CALL 1-800-668-6868

  • You can also text "HOME" to 686868 in Canada to communicate with a Crisis Text Line volunteer anytime, about any type of crisis. Every texter is connected with a Crisis Responder, a person trained to bring texters from a hot moment to a cool calm through active listening and collaborative problem-solving.


Resources for other countries

Country Organization Phone Number
Belgium (Dutch) Awel 102
Ireland ISPCC 1-800-666-666
Italy Telefono Azzurro Rosa Casi urgenti e SMS adolescenti: 337 427363
Netherlands Hotline for Kids in Trouble (+31) 06-0432
New Zealand Youthline 0800 376-633
South Africa Childline 08000 55555
Other Countries Child Helpline International Find a Child Helpline

Some options to consider

  1. If your home living situation was not abusive and there is an option to make up with your parent(s) or caregiver, please consider it (even if it means a curfew, chores and hard work, or following rules you don't like). You can use this time to save up more money, find work, finish high school, and generally prepare for living on your own.

    If things are uncomfortable at home and you're allowed to simply spend more time elsewhere, that's often a good option to reduce tension at home. Some ideas: get a cheap gym membership, do your studying at the library, get a part-time job, join an after-school group, or volunteer.

    If you have fundamental disagreements with your family or caregivers and this would be a possible reason for you to be kicked out, it's probably best to delay announcing these until you're on your own and doing well independently. Maybe they are not great people. Maybe you don't believe in the same things. As long as you are safe, it can wait until you are in a better position to be independent. As they say, the best revenge is living a good life.

  2. If you have any relatives that you can reach that would let you stay with them for any period of time, this is one of the best available options if you've been kicked out. Aunt or uncle lives in the next state? Call them and find a way to get there. Any non-abusive relative that you know is probably a better option than heading to a shelter. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, step-siblings, you name it.

  3. Failing that, your next best bet is to contact friends, crash on a couch, and ask anyone you know that might put up with you. Try to consider any workable and safe options. For example, your ex's parents liked you and you're on good terms? Call them and ask if you can sleep on their couch for a few days until you figure something out.

  4. While you're living on someone else's dime, in a place that isn't yours, friends, family, shelter, whatever it is, try you best to be on your best behavior. That means:

    • Try to avoid drugs and alcohol. If you need help with substance abuse, please reach out to some of the resources linked above.
    • Try to respect any rules of the household or establishment and stay out of trouble.
    • Keep your space clean and maintain your personal hygiene.
    • Try to avoid being a negative presence.
  5. It may be very difficult to find a better option, especially on short notice, but living and sleeping on the street is very dangerous, especially as a teenager. Contact one of the above help lines and they will help you find a safe place to sleep.

Preparing if you think you might be kicked out or may need to leave soon

  1. Try to avoid accelerating the process and use any time you have to save up money and prepare. Your own safety comes first, though.

  2. Try to make sure you will have a place to stay. If you can sleep on a couch for a month and save up more money before renting a room, do it. You want to save up money as much as reasonable possible.

  3. Make sure you have your birth certificate, identification, passport, diplomas and anything else you will need. Store important documents at the home of a trusted friend or family member place if possible.

  4. Plan for the worst case even though it might not happen. Your parents may not support you going to school, fill out financial aid paperwork for you, etc. If you can't afford to pay for school on your own, you may need a different plan for continuing your education such as going to community college while working.

  5. If and when you need to spend money for a place to stay, try to spend as little money as possible on rent. That usually means renting a room instead of an apartment, having some roommates, etc.

Financial Accounts

  • Joint bank accounts can be emptied by either account holder at any time so if you're old enough to open your own bank account (18 or 19 in the United States), open a new bank account at a different bank from the one used by your family. Local credit unions, online banks, and online credit unions are popular recommendations here. Use a local credit union if you will need to deposit cash.

  • If you're not old enough to open an account where you live, see if an adult that you trust will help open a joint bank account with you. When you are old enough to open your own account, open one as soon as possible and transfer your money over.

  • Sign up for electronic statements and consider using a different postal address (e.g., the address of a friend or trusted adult) so statements don't get delivered to your home.

  • If you're having trouble finding an bank or credit union that will allow an adult that isn't a parent or guardian to open an account with you, the Money account offered by Capital One 360 is one option in the United States.

  • Check your credit report and freeze your credit (sign up for credit monitoring before freezing your credit).


If you're located in the US, have questions about Federal student aid, and are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless read this guide from the Department of Education.

Other resources

Submitted April 24, 2019 at 10:05AM by dequeued http://bit.ly/2VqNrm7

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