Over the 4-day Easter weekend I decided not to buy any more groceries and instead cook from my fridge and cupboards. I'd expected a weekend of food I was unenthusiastic about, but ended up surprising myself with the meals I conjured! So let's share our successes and provide inspiration for others!
I made:
Rice pudding
Feta and vegetable filo parcels
Cheese and tomato quesadillas
French toast (never made this before - what a revelation!)
Made roti bread for a portion of leftover takeaway curry in the freezer - it felt so decadent
I was mostly so impressed because many of these ingredients I wouldn't consume on their own (milk, white bread etc) so to stop them going to waste felt like a huge victory!
What meals have you made out of not very much this week?
April 22, 2019 at 05:34AM