Some relevant info:
Our RothIRA is already maxed out for the year, and will be for the next 3. Her grandmother died and left us enough cash to max it out for 5 years.
Edward Jones holds the excess cash and instantly moves the maximum amount over to our IRA every January 1st.
My wife is a teacher and has a 403(b) with the county she contributes to each paycheck.
I am self employed as a sole proprietor. I do not have anything in place for myself through my business.
I do still have a 401(k) from the 10 years I worked at my old job until I quit to start on my own. It is just sitting there.
We have no debt (besides our new mortgage). We do not use credit cards and our cars are paid off.
I am 27, she is 28.
Submitted April 26, 2019 at 01:33PM by The_schnozz