I apologize if I’m not in the right place. I’m stressed and trying not to cry. I moved out of my abusive parents house when I was 18. Now at 21, I live usually on campus with full financial aid/loans for my tuition and housing, but during the school breaks I keep needing to find new places to crash for weeks at a time.
So, I need to take a summer class, from 9-1 M-F and I am trying to work on campus from 2-7 at $12/hr (but my boss is doing me a favor by giving me hours so idk how much more I can squeeze out of him). The problem is, I live in a place w high housing costs, and I don’t have a car nor license. If I go too far away, I’ll have to uber and as of now I’m not entirely sure if the roads to Stony Brook University have shoulders I can bike or walk on. My boyfriend is graduating this semester and if he gets a job around here the easy option is to move in with him for a few months while I finish my degree (in December). He’s trying to teach me how to drive but again it’s difficult, as I have no car of my own and he’s nervous about letting me use his, and understandably so. I support myself, and I’m currently about $800 in credit card debt but I’m trying to make ends meet. We already cook low cost meals and I haven’t gone out in ages, but I’m so at a loss.
Is there any possible way to get help for food? Or housing? Or transportation? Should I give up on my college degree six months before I finish it? There’s a mall a $15 minute drive from campus I can attempt to work at as a second job but how would I get there? Are there resources for me? I’m not in contact with my parents or anything like that. I’m so stressed. Please help...
Submitted April 23, 2019 at 04:39AM by AlyAlyBee http://bit.ly/2Gx4Os9