My housemate and I signed a lease that started June of 2018. At that time he had a decent paying job and we agreed to split rent and utilities 60/40 since I made more than twice he did and my SO stays over often. I also have this in signed writing.
Since moving in, he is in the process of divorcing his wife, was fired from his job, car stopped working, and he felt responsible to pay his wife's rent because she is disabled. This lead to him barely giving me any money for rent or utilities. And I kept track of all of it.
Fast forward to now. He has a much better paying job and is trying to get a new car. Gave me $200 last week but nothing more. I am at the point where I don't want to renew a lease with him but I don't know what to do about what he owes me.
Should I kick him out at the end of the lease? Should we renew the lease so he close and I can badger him for money? Legal action?
Submitted March 30, 2019 at 08:31AM by Lyko5