After freezing my baguettes off trying to use my garage this winter, and the impending doom of a sweltering garage in the summer, I've decided I should insulate my stand alone garage to offer at least a little respite. My neighbor did his and it felt at least somewhat better last summer, and with a heater in there this winter was downright comfortable.My problem: The walls are 15", 3.5" deep. That's normal. The cathedral-style ceiling, however, is 24" wide and 3.5" deep. Everything I have been finding for roll or batt insulation with how wide its expecting comes in two or three times the depth. I would prefer to install baffles and insulate the bottom of the roof, but its looking like I have three options:Buy a deeper batting, cut some of the depth offInsulate the rafters instead of the cathedral-style ceiling (do not want)Use foam board for the ceilingHas anyone seen this before? Would foam board be a viable option? Thanks for reading! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2FbClXT