Hi everyone, I’m currently converting a single brick, detached garage into a studio for sound editing &mixing. The room is approx 3mx6m with 2.7m height. I have ordered 2 windows and a sliding door that have an Rw value of 40 (which roughly converts to about 43 STC) I’ve heard that for the walls, you should try and aim for a target 5 STC units higher than your windows/doors, which would be approx 47 STCIve built a stud wall over the brick and will line it with regular fibreglass. So I’m wondering what plasterboard I need, would 1 sheet of 13mm be enough to hit the desired STC rating? Another option would be to have double sheeted 13mm with green glue in between, but not sure if that’s overkill for my needs.Also, the roof will be a hipped roof layed with terracotta roof tiles and insulation. I’ll be plastering the internal ceiling along with some exposed rafters. Would I just match the ceiling plasterboard thickness with the walls?Here’s some extra info about the project: The garage is in a very quiet residential area, around 40 dB SPL. I won’t need to record in the room, so don’t need to hit ultra STC targets. Looking to suppress airborne noise only as the garage is detached from the house. Brick wall is not airtight, it has weep holes for waterproofing and 4 small vents for ventilation. Plasterboard will be attached directly to stud wall, not floating. I will make every effort to seal all openings with acoustic caulk.Any help would be much appreciated, thank you! via /r/DIY https://ift.tt/2O7vJOF