Currently I am a twenty year old college student. I was born with a physical disability that requires constant medication and monitoring by multiple doctors. This causes there to be bills on the order of a couple thousand dollars every few months.
Currently I have state medical insurance and I'm on my parents plan but still the cost of some tests seems criminaly high.
For most of my life I have been lucky to have parents who took on that burden financially but since I have turned 18 I have been responsible for paying a portion of medical bills.
Recently my parents have been putting the entire cost of these bills on me while I am in school full time and have no income (aside from some savings from summer jobs). I do receive some aid from social security but it's barley enough to scrap the top of the bucket. When I have talked to my parents about what I should do with these bills my parents advice has been to just "ignore them" or attempt to argue with the collections people.
There are honestly so many bills that I can't even keep track of which is which. I feel that it on the brink of getting out hand to a point where is could have long term effects on my financial future.
Questions :
What should I be doing to realistically to pay these bills?
What can I do prevent this debt from ruining my future credit?
Submitted March 27, 2019 at 06:18AM by Tears_Of_Orion