Hey guys! I have a bit of an issue, and I don't know the best course of action. I (26F from Eastern Europe) am currently working a decent job in a semi-niche field (content writer/marketing specialist). I enjoy the job, and I like the people I work with.
However, I was hired at a very low salary for that position. In the interest of anonymity I won't use exact numbers, but a friend of mine in customer support (a level below mine) makes 30% more than me. People in my department make over 60% more, as far as I've asked. I have over 3 years of experience in the field, and was pretty much offered a salary slightly bigger than what would be given to an employee who's never done it before (I know because I've been there).
I accepted for two reasons. One, I was promised by HR that after 6 months it's standard practice to do an employee evaluation and increase the salary. Two, I am given a certain amount of money for lunch daily, which is fixed for all employees but adds a good 10% to my salary. So all good, right?
Well, HR lied - my co-worker received no employee evaluation or even notice when he made his 6 months. I went to HR and specifically asked the day mine were up, and they said they're looking into it and will inform me IF a salary increase will happen - which they have not. Furthermore, lunch money was cut in half, so not only have I NOT received a pay raise semi-promised to me, but I am actually being paid LESS than before.
Usually the answer would be simple - start interviewing and find a better place. That's very good advice, except my position is so niche that there aren't a lot of companies hiring in my city, and I'm unwilling to move. So let's say "switching jobs" is plan B, the nuclear option. What should be my plan A? Is there a way I can bring up to HR that I'm seriously not OK with this pay cut and would seriously like that raise without coming across as confrontational and standoffish?
Any advice would be appreciated!
Submitted March 11, 2019 at 06:52AM by TheRealRaiden https://ift.tt/2J6j1AO