My boyfriend and I (both 23) have been living together at his mom’s since we graduated college last May.
I have about 60k in student loans to pay while his college was completely paid for and he has absolutely no debt. I’ve been working for a while, budget every week/month, and I’ve budgeted for the scenario of having to pay debt and rent simultaneously.
Recently my boyfriend got his first job, and out the gates he says he’s wanting to pay upfront for a house or condo (given, his family has the ability to pay upfront, his grandfather paid upfront for his mom’s current home).
In an ideal world, sure, I would love to live in a house that wasn’t rented or either of our parents’ and just pay on student loans all the time. But to me, that just doesn’t seem smart.
His argument is that you pay rent for something you’ll never own. Why waste the money.
My argument is that although we’ve been together 3 years, WHAT IF something happens and we split up. Being that we’re unmarried, I have absolutely no legal right to the home he purchases and if he wanted to, he could throw me out, leaving me out in the cold until I frantically find somewhere else to live.
Maybe I’m overreacting, but we’re so young and we aren’t married, I don’t really see the rush to buy a home. In perfect circumstances it makes financial sense, but I think the outside circumstances rule it out as the smartest option. But maybe I’m wrong. What would be better in this situation? Buying or renting?
P.S. let me know if this would fit better in another sub.
Submitted March 04, 2019 at 09:13PM by buyrentxythrowaway