Im 29. Middle class, no kids, mortgage, or wife. I earn aprox 55k a year & Iam a long term buy & hold investor. The Plan was to buy three low cost ETFs (US 60%) (INTL 30%) (Emerging Markets 10%) Currently have only 22k invested. I recently recieved a small lump sum (13k) to add my portfolio and would like to put the money to work, however after decembers rollercoaster ride Iam very nervous & dont know how to proceed. I know they say "time in the market beats timing the market" but I cant help but think..
We are nearing the end of one of the longest & strongest bull runs in a recent decades. (Not ideal for me)
International news all seems to be talking about global slow down Italy in resession, China slowest growth in 30 years, germany not going well, Canadas growth slow...ect
I cant help but feel the US market is being held up by bullish sentiment and the feds being cautious with rates...and not much else, and that the "BIG ONE" bear is arriving fairly soon.
Should I wait and hold cash or should I just deoloy it & forget about it?
Submitted February 01, 2019 at 07:49PM by landoonter