I've noticed in the last few years a lot of people use "treating themselves" as an excuse to overspend. I agree that you should treat yourself! It's so much easier to live within a budget when you do, however, my tip is budget for this and don't over indulge!
Personally, as a broke University student, eating out on campus once every two weeks is such a treat that I look forward to. Too often I see fellow students overindulging in things like fake nails and eyelashes (or male equivalent buying overpriced clothing/food/beer); treating themselves when they didn't budget for it and end up short on money.
I think at all ages it's important to keep up a balance, I'm curious to know what other people's 'treat yourself' purchase is?
Submitted February 10, 2019 at 11:33PM by theo_dx http://bit.ly/2THDahp