Hi Frugal! I love this sub! It’s my most visited when I get a chance to browse Reddit.
We are a family of 5 - 2 adults, 2 preteen boys and a 20 month old toddler. This is how I have managed to make our family more frugal the last 12 months. What else can I add to help us be even more?
- meal plan and only visit the grocery store once a week. We average $100 a week on groceries. Min lately has been $50 and max has been $175
- I also enter my grocery list into my stores app, which helps estimate my costs.
- cloth diapers for the toddler
- toddler also has a silicone reusable pouch (like a gogo squeeze) that I fill with yogurt or apple sauce instead of buying the pouches
- I use a cup and cloth pads instead of tampons/reg pads.
- we have unpaper towel - we have cut down from using 1 roll a week or less to 1 roll every 2/3 week.
- I buy in bulk as much as I can/afford for non perishables. Toilet paper, dish/hand soap is refilled locally (I’ve been using the same jugs for both for over 6 months now). Shampoo/conditioner and body wash is also refilled at same local place
- I shop flyers (use the reebee app), and buy in bulk for fresh meats and cheeses - freezing the majority of it
- kids and I rarely get brand new clothing - we love shopping second hand
- we don’t have cable (Netflix and downloads)
- hubs uses a reusable mug, makes coffee at home and takes containers of granola and yogurt to work.
- kitty litter is bought in bulk - it’s clay and the store just had a sale ($9.99 for 40 lbs - I bought 2 bags)
- I bake as much as I can. Tortillas, sweets, buns etc ...
- we have reusable snack bags that the kids take in their school lunches
- I make our own jello cups with small containers, fresh or canned mandarin slices and no name jello mix. For 10, it cost me just under $2 to make.
- I make pancakes and waffles in bulk from scratch, for easy weekday breakfasts for the kids
- hubs and I each use a safety razor and blades.
- our loaves of bread are purchased in bulk at a local bakery and frozen. 18 loaves for $15 (whole wheat, limited ingredients)
- switched from dryer sheets to wool dryer balls
- we drink chilled tap water and milk. Sometimes I’ll make homemade lemon aid or iced tea, but that’s rare. I do not buy juice boxes, pop, premade juices.
I’m sure there is more, but this is all I can think of.
ETA: - our hair cuts our free. Hubs sister owns a salon in town and does our cuts for free. I’ve stopped colouring my hair, and am just going to let the Arctic Highlights reign free. - I have started doing my own manicures. My sister gave me her UV light and all that goes with it. - our dog rarely gets store bought treats. He eats veggies instead. His dog food is $150 every 3 months due to his health. We haven’t found a food comparable to the vet food that he doesn’t react to.
February 25, 2019 at 11:07AM