I have four smart and amazing sons - ages 14, 12, 12, and 12 (yes, they're triplets). I'd like to teach them something my parents never taught me - financial responsibility and building wealth. I'm trying to create a "curriculum" that will help them understand the basics of frugality, investing, compound interest, the importance of starting early, etc. I'd like to assemble resources that keep their age in mind, as well as hopefully peaking their curiosity. Ideally, I'm hoping to find:
- Books that are written for a teenage audience
- Interactive websites or games that might allow them to turn investing into a game or competition they can have with each other
- Video (YouTube channels, etc.) or Podcasts that are fun and interesting for a teenage audience.
- Anything else you think would be appropriate!
I'd like to teach this to them between now and the middle of June, when school lets out (if time allows). Then, I am planning on giving each a $1000 "graduation" present that they must invest, based on their own interests they learned along the way. (I'm far from rich, but I think investing $4000 total in my sons' future at a young age will be worth it.) Having the extra time off school in the summer would give them time to research investment possibilities and make smart choices.
I know there are many smart people on this sub. I'd appreciate any ideas you have that will help me out - even if it's just to tell me I'm going about this the wrong way! Thank you so much, I truly appreciate your time and advice!
Submitted February 03, 2019 at 11:18AM by Down_Low_Too_Slow http://bit.ly/2BhYliV