Longtime lurker year looking to pick some brains.
My kiddo is four and we are deep into birthday parties, school events, second baby showers, etc. All these events turn into opportunities to be fleeced of money- extra events that cost money at school, parties where parents buy gifts that kids don’t really need, etc. As someone who is pinching pennies I find myself frustrated that to be socially expectable I am paying for all this crap- and it really is crap.
What do other frugal people do?
One thing I’m noticing is that once you become aware of expenses that don’t further your savings goals it becomes painfully obvious of the consumer elevator that most people are on.
And, now I’m just venting but, here’s an example. I recently misplaced the date of a birthday party - and when I texted the mom about gifts her child would like she informed me that I missed the party but she still texted me about gifts I could get her kid- for exchange at our next play date. Seriously? I’m sure her kid has tons of toys, given what I know their lifestyle and it seems that me just adding another to the pile won’t really further the friendship between 2 toddlers. I get that some people find giving gifts to be a symbol of friendship and that’s not me - but it’s other people, got it. Anyway- I find all this exchange of crap items to be maddening....
February 08, 2019 at 06:39AM